Create a web demo that tracks and counts push-ups or squats using a pose detection model such as TensorFlow MoveNet. The application should provide feedback on form and count the number of exercises performed.
Create a web application that tracks the top news in AI from three top AI subreddits using their RSS feeds.
Use a graphing library to create a graph that tracks the price of Bitcoin over time. Find an API that provides Bitcoin price data and implement the graph using the chosen library.
Create a filtering component that allows users to filter a list of data items based on multiple criteria using checkboxes or dropdowns.
Create a rating component where users can select a rating from 1 to 5 stars.
Create a modal dialog that can be triggered by a. The modal should have a close button and should also close when clicking outside of the modal content.
Create an AI-powered component that analyzes content from some source and extracts meaningful data to solve a real-world problem.
Create a web application that displays weather information for various locations using a weather API. The dashboard should provide current weather data and a 5-day forecast.
Build an accordion component where sections expand or collapse when their headers are clicked.
Create a web application that allows users to upload images. The application should support drag-and-drop functionality, display a loading indicator during the upload process, and provide options to share or download the uploaded image.
Create a web application that functions as a music player. The application should have a design that includes an image, title, author, progress bar, and player controls. Use HTML for the structure and vanilla JavaScript for interactivity.
Create a web application that implements a multi-step form. The form should guide users through multiple steps of data entry, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. Each step should collect different information, and users should be able to navigate back and forth between steps.
Create a web application that converts currencies based on real-time exchange rates. The app should fetch the latest exchange rates from a currency API and allow users to convert between different currencies.
Create a web application that generates a random color palette. This challenge introduces basic CSS styling and JavaScript functionality, making it a great project for beginners.
Create a web application that displays the current time in a digital clock format. This challenge introduces basic JavaScript and DOM manipulation.
Create a chatbot that uses natural language processing to schedule meetings and manage a small business owner's calendar, reducing time spent on administrative tasks.
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